Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to Conduct a Survey: Part 4 3/27/20

Since I am an intern attached to Oklahoma University, the IRB director initially thought I needed to get IRB approval from OU to conduct the survey. It turned out, that was not the case, but I would have to get one if I planned to publish the results of the survey. Since this was our intention from the beginning, I contacted the IRB office in Norman. As it turned out, a representative would have office hours at the Schusterman library (where I worked as a Grad Assistant) the following day. This was the second week of March, just before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down America.

The representative explained that in order to publish, I would need to apply for a deferral to the NSU IRB in order to publish the results. This meant I would not need to go through the standard IRB process at OU, but simply fill out a short application with proof of approval from NSU.

I would also need to take a introductory course required of all students and faculty engaging in research. Available through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative website (, this course is meant to familiarize beginners with the law and ethical principles involved in research of human subjects.

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