Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to Conduct a Survey: Part 3 3/17/20

Here is the survey itself:

NSU Libraries Website User Experience Survey
Contact information for the PI and faculty sponsor:
Brian Desmarais,
Dr. Pamela Louderback, 918-449-6452,

Purpose of the Study:
This research study will gather information regarding patron use of the NSU Libraries website ( The purpose is to understand better who uses the website, how the website has been used, what the website is doing well in its users’ opinions, and what could be improved about the website in the future.

Procedures to be followed:
You are being asked to participate in a brief survey consisting of 13 questions. These questions will address your usage of the NSU Libraries Website, and what you think the website is doing well and what could be improved. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the study, and you must have used the NSU library website in the past.

Discomforts and Risks:
There are no risks in participating in this research.

The information we get from this study, disseminated to other librarians, may help to inform them of how the website is helping library patrons and what areas might need improvement. You will have an opportunity to request the results of the survey by e-mail.

It will take approximately 3-8 minutes to complete this survey.

Statement of Confidentiality:
This study is online and anonymous. Your responses will contain no information that identifies you personally. Your place of employment will not be informed in any way of your participation or the content of your responses.

If you wish, you may include your e-mail address at the end of the survey in order to be informed of the results of the study once it has concluded. There is no way of connecting your answers to your e-mail address.

Right to Ask Questions:
Please contact either of the principal investigators if you have questions about the study.

Brian Desmarais,
Dr. Pamela Louderback, 918-449-6452,
You may also ask the IRB by contacting: Dr. Jim Ferrell,, 918-444-3722.

Voluntary Participation and Right to Withdraw:
Participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw at any time and may also decline to answer any questions that you do not want to answer. You can end your participation at any time by simply closing the browser before submitting your response.

Informed Consent
Your completion and return of this survey implies your consent to participate in the study and your assertion that you are over 18 years of age and either work or have worked in a library.
Please select your affiliation with the Northeastern State University Libraries

Undergraduate Student

Graduate Student

Faulty or Staff

Public User


How far away from an NSU campus library do you live?

0-5 miles

5-10 miles

10-30 miles

30 or more miles away
How often do you visit one of the libraries on campus? (if you are a student or staff member, this applies to when school is in session)





What is your most common reason for visiting the NSU libraries website?

Library catalog or journal search

Find library hours or directions to the library

Contact research librarians

Find instructional resources or research guides (called “libguides”)

To request an interlibrary loan

“Ask a Librarian” live chat


On a scale of 1-5 (1=worst, 5=best), please rank your experience with searching the library catalog:



On a scale of 1-5 (1=worst, 5=best), please rank your experience with accessing electronic journals and/or e-books.



On a scale of 1-5 (1=worst, 5=best), please rank your experience with using writing and citation style resources.



On a scale of 1-5 (1=worst, 5=best), please rank your experience with “Ask a librarian” live chat.



On a scale of 1-5 (1=worst, 5=best), please rank your experience with ordering interlibrary loans.



On a scale from 1-5, please rank your satisfaction with the overall NSU libraries website.



Are there any “libguides” (resource pages centered on a particular topic) that you would like to see on the NSU libraries website?
Your answer
If you were building the NSU libraries homepage, list up to five things you would like to see and access directly on that page.
Your answer
Do you have any additional comments about anything you would like to see on the website?
Your answer

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