Thursday, May 7, 2020

Learning Objectives and Final Thoughts

Now let's have a final look at the learning objectives of the internship and how I met those goals:

Learning Objective #1: I would like to assist with collection development/management
and weeding.   Special collections tribal newspaper project at Tahlelquah campus.

Learning Objective #2: I would like to acquire experience performing research via a survey instrument. Website satisfaction survey via Google Forms.

Learning Objective #3: I would like to acquire hands-on experience serving patrons at the
Reference and Circulation desk. Two introductory sessions working the front desk. COVID-19 shutdown made it difficult to develop this further. 

Learning Objective #4: I would like to acquire experience preparing for and participating in Library
instruction. Sat in on three instructional session of the library and assisted librarian in organizing a online video presentation. I developed a LibGuide on copyright issues that will be used on the library's website. 

Learning Objective #5: I would like to develop the organizational skills required to catalog and classify special collections. There was some exposure to this in my work in Tahlequah. 

I am very glad that I pursued an internship for the 2020 Spring semester. I feel very fortunate to have been working with Dr. Louderback for what turned out to be a very difficult Spring. The closures of COVID-19 turned everyone's world upside down. Thankfully, the ongoing web survey and the LibGuide project gave me a chance to work remotely and complete the internship. While I would have liked to have participated more in the regular daily remote operations of the library during the crisis, I realize that the logistics of that would have been very difficult to work out. She had quite a bit on her plate in adapting the library to an all virtual environment, and yet she always had time to answer my questions or provide general direction.

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