Monday, February 3, 2020

LibGuide 2/3/20

In an earlier post about learning objectives for the internship, #4 was acquiring experience preparing for and participating in Library. One way I will be meeting this objective is by working with the library instructors with preparation and implementation of actual B.I.s. Another way is through creating online tutorials. Many patrons encounter the library website without ever physically entering the library.

Dr. Louderback mentioned that a LibGuide was needed for an overview of copyright. I immediately jumped on this opportunity because I had some familiarity with with LibGuides (but on very different topics).

LibGuides is a content management system from SpringShare that is used by many libraries to curate knowledge and share information. It is especially good for helping librarians organize instructional content on their websites.

Here is an example of the interface I was working with:

Through the Slack app, I requested feedback from the staff about anything they want added to the guide before it is published on the site. I enjoy working in LibGuides because it is very user friendly and forces the author to organize his or her thoughts on a given topic. I feel more prepared to concisely explain the basics of copyright law to a future library patron.

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