Wednesday, January 15, 2020

First day! 1/14/20

With classes in session again, I was set to start my internship on Tuesday, the 14th of January. My  schedule for the year will be from 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursdays, with a few exceptions. After sitting in traffic for over an hour on the Broken Arrow expressway, I arrived at the NSU Broken Arrow campus late and out of breath - not the way I like to make a first impression. Thankfully, Dr. Louderback was very understanding; the rush hour commute from Tulsa to Broken Arrow can be unpredictable, to say the least.

Dr. Pamela Louderback

After meeting some of the library staff, I sat down with Dr. Louderback to look at a calendar and develop a long term plan for the internship. She went down the list of internship learning objectives that I put together prior to beginning the internship (I'll flesh these out in the next post). Among the activities we scheduled were sitting in on few a few instructional sessions led by the librarians, with the plan being that I could eventually assist them in preparing for and teaching these classes down the road. We looked at possible dates for me to visit and do some work with the collections at the NSU Tahlequah campus.We scheduled in some time to work the circulation desk (and associated tasks), as well as sitting in on a few staff meetings.

In addition, we talked about the possibilities of creating "Lib Guides" on various topics for students. LibGuide is an online format that allows librarians to make user friendly online tutorials. Since I will be working largely on my own on Tuesday evenings, we decided that I would start researching for a LibGuide on copyright and fair-usage. I spent the rest of the evening working on that and getting familiarized with the physical space of the library.

In the next post, I will go into greater detail about the learning objectives I set for this internship and the various tasks and projects that I will be doing at the library.

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